Thursday, September 9, 2010

"That trip to the hospital was the beginning of a five-week odyssey -- one that involved defying doctors, e-mailing specialists around the country..."

This reads like a Lifetime movie filled with persistence and determination.

Except for one thing.

It's. A. Freaking. Pinky. Finger. That's it. The end of a digit. We're not talking some sort of Schnindlerian tale of sacrifice and bravery. We're talking about a finger tip. A small one.

But read it if you must:

Woman's persistence pays off in regenerated fingertip -

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/11 = Free your hate day

Fla. church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning -

Um. The world is ending. But you knew that.

"A considerable amount of evidence shows that humans are causing what biologists call the sixth mass extinction, an allusion to the five previous cases in the fossil record where huge numbers of species died out mysteriously in a flash of geologic time."

The article also mentions that we need to QUIT HAVING SO MANY BABIES.

And points out in the next breath that we aren't gonna do that. We just won't.

Forget going green -- The earth doesn't care Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Sunday, September 5, 2010